Kriging Best Fit: kbfit - Fit variogram models and kriging models to spatial data and select the best model based on the metrics values
Kriging Best Fit: kbfit - Fit variogram models and kriging models to spatial data and select the best model based on the metrics values
- response
A character string specifying the response variable
- formula
A formula object specifying the model to fit: response ~ predictors
- data
A simple feature object containing the variables in the formula
- models
A list of characters vector specifying the variogram models to fit
- initial_values
A list of named numeric vectors specifying the initial values for the variogram models: psill, range, nugget
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# This is a dontrun example because it requires a spatial data object(data_sf).
# Try different initial values for fitting the variogram models
initial_values <- list(
list(psill = 1, range = 100000, nugget = 10),
list(psill = 0.5, range = 50000, nugget = 5),
list(psill = 2, range = 150000, nugget = 15)
# Set some models to fit
models <- c("Sph", "Exp", "Gau")
# Select Best: Fit variogram models and kriging models
result <- hmsidwR::kbfit(response = "response",
formula = response ~ predictor1 + predictor2,
data = data_sf,
models = c("Sph", "Exp", "Gau", "Mat"),
initial_values = initial_values)
} # }