
#30DayMapChallenge 2023

Daily social mapping project happening every November

This is Federica Gazzelloni’s official #30DayMapChallenge repository

My contributions will be posted on Twitter: \@fgazzelloni and Mastodon with the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge

Themes for this year are:

Themes for the 2023 maps.

The official repository for #30DayMapChallenge is a daily mapping challenge open to everyone by Topi Tjukanov \@tjukanov.

The idea is to create maps based around different themes each day of November using the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge. You can prepare the maps beforehand, but the main idea is to publish maps on the dedicated days. Just include a picture of the map when you post to Twitter (or other platforms) with the hashtag. You don’t have to sign up anywhere to participate. There are no restrictions on the tools, technologies or the data you use in your maps. Doing less than 30 is also fine. See the Code of Conduct at the bottom of the page.

Day 1 - 01-11-2023 -Points Day 2 - 02-11-2023 - Lines Day 3 - 03-11-2023 -Polygons Day 4 - 04-11-2023 - A Bad Map
day1_points day2_lines: NY Land Use Land Cover day3_polygons: Colombia day4 A Bad Map
Day 5 - 05-11-2023 -Analog Map Day 6 - 06-11-2023 -Asia Day 7 - 07-11-2023 -Navigation Day 8 - 08-11-2023 -Data: Africa
Day5 Analog Map: Portofino, Italy Day 6 Asia day7_navigation Day 8 Africa
Day 9 - 09-11-2023 -Hexagons Day 10 - 10-11-2023 - North America Day 11 - 11-11-2022 - Retro Day 12 - 12-11-2023 - South America
Day 9 Hexagons Day 10 North America Day 11 Retro Day 12 South America
Day 13 - 13-11-2023 - Choropleth Day 14 - 14-11-2023 -Europe Day 15 - 15-11-2023 -Open Street Map Day 16 - 16-11-2023 -Oceania
Day 13 Choropleth day 14 Europe day 15 openstreetmap Day 16 Oceania
Day 17 - 17-11-2023 -Flow Day 18 - 18-11-2023 - Atmosphere Day 19 - 19-11-2023 - 5 minute Map Day 20 - 20-11-2023 - Outdoors
day 17 flow day 18 Atmosphere day19_5-minute-map day 20 outdoors
Day 21 - 21-11-2023 - Raster Day 22 - 22-11-2023 - North is not always up Day 23 - 23-11-2023 - 3D Day 24 - 24-11-2023 - Black & White
day 21 Raster day22_north-is-not-always-up Day 23 3D Day 24 Black & White
Day 25 - 25-11-2023 - Antarctica Day 26 - 26-11-2023 - Minimal Day 27 - 27-11-2023 - Dot Day 28 - 28-11-2023 - Is this a chart or a map
day25_antarctica day26_minimal day27 dot day28_is-this-a-chart-or-a-map
Day 29 - 29-11-2023 - Pouplation Day 30 - 30-11-2023 - My Favourite Collage  
day29_population day30_my-favourite Collage 2023  

Data 🗺

You can use what ever data you want. But here are a few sources which could help you to get started or give you new ideas 👇

Tools 🔨🔧

Because the challenge is aimed to be open for everyone, the tools listed here will be open source tools. Still, the challenge can be done with any kind of software (or even without any software). Programming skills are not in any way a requirement to do the maps.

Tutorials & Helpful Resources 📚

If you want to make maps with QGIS, this video is a great starting point. Check out also other videos by Klas Karlson - Excellent QGIS introduction YouTube series by Steven Bernard - QGIS Tutorials and Tips by Ujaval Gandhi - Tutorial on how to make 3D landscapes and city models by Alasdair Rae - Blog post by Kenneth Field about the basics of mapmaking

Maps & Stats

In 2021 there were more than 1200 mappers and more than 9000 maps created for the challenge. In 2020 more than 1000 people posted more than 7000 maps for the challenge on different platforms. If you want to see some maps from past challenges, browse the hashtag on Twitter or check the official website of the challenge and browse different years.

#30DayMapChallenge bot by Haifeng Niu harvested comprehensive stats and maps from the challenge

In 2020 & 2019 David Friggens did a huge lift on the 30DayMapChallenge2020Metadata repository with metadata & interactive gallery.

Code of Conduct

No matter if you are a GIS expert or never made a map before this challenge, everyone is welcome to participate,

But keep in mind a few things: - All maps you publish have to be your original work. Don’t steal content from others. - Give credit to the original data source whenever possible. - The challenge is all about creativity, openness and the joy of beautiful maps and cartography. It is not a competition, - Don’t be an asshole.

Inspiration for the challenge came from Inktober and Tidy Tuesday.